“What does being a sustainable traveller mean to you? For us at Room + Wild, it means travelling with a purpose, learning more about the destination we are visiting - its people; its wildlife; its surroundings, and leaving the place we visited in a better state than before. ”
Below are 7 green tips, travellers today should practice, when possible.
Take longer trips and become part of the slow travel movement. Get to know the whole country and travel by train, horse, bike, or foot.
Travel to lesser known, more remote destinations to do your part in helping over-tourism.
Go on a purpose-specific vacation. Participate in expeditions to save the oceans. Make a difference in lives of endangered species. Plant trees. Educate the locals.
Use the most direct routes when flying, since take offs and landings use the most fuel. When possible, choose airlines with the best environmental practices, or take the train!
Choose the right hotel. Ask details about the hotel’s sustainability and social responsibility initiatives. A truly green hotel should employ local staff, is enrolled in green initiatives to protect its surroundings and its wildlife; practices sustainable architecture and reducing its energy consumption.
Once at the hotel, minimize your own impact by turning off the lights and AC when not needed, keeping water uses short, and reusing towels and sheets.
Support the real economy by buying locally made souvenirs and indulging in local produce.
Room + Wild is the leading content platform for landscape-enhanced architecture, ecotourism, nature-based destinations, and sustainable travel experiences. We work with extraordinary retreats all over the world to inspire, influence, and spread awareness of landscape architecture, environmental initiatives, and earth mindfulness.