Redefining the Landscape of Hospitality: Oasyhotel 

Nestled in the heart of Tuscany's pristine Apennine Mountains, Oasyhotel stands as a beacon of luxury and sustainability. As a premium eco-luxury destination, it is committed to redefining the landscape of hospitality through a seamless blend of comfort, conservation, and authentic experiences. 

Oasyhotel’s mission is to create a unique escape that harmonizes luxury with nature. Located within the WWF-affiliated Dynamo Oasis Nature Reserve, the hotel embodies a commitment to conservation and sustainability. The reserve, home to rare flora and fauna such as wolves, boars, and deer, serves as a sanctuary where nature thrives and guests reconnect with the wilderness. 

The Mission 

Oasyhotel’s mission is to create a unique escape that harmonizes luxury with nature. Located within the WWF-affiliated Dynamo Oasis Nature Reserve, the hotel embodies a commitment to conservation and sustainability. The reserve, home to rare flora and fauna such as wolves, boars, and deer, serves as a sanctuary where nature thrives and guests reconnect with the wilderness. 

“At Oasyhotel, we believe in fostering a harmonious relationship between luxury and nature, ensuring our guests experience the best of both worlds."

 The Oasi Dynamo Model: The Four Pillars 

The Oasi Dynamo model is built on four main pillars, each representing a core aspect of our commitment to sustainability and excellence. These pillars are integrated to ensure a comprehensive approach to conservation, education, agriculture, and hospitality. 

The Oasi Dynamo model is built on four main pillars, each representing a core aspect of our commitment to sustainability and excellence.

1. Hospitality 

At the heart of Oasi Dynamo, the hospitality pillar is represented by Oasyhotel. This unique retreat features 17 contemporary forest lodges that offer luxurious accommodations seamlessly integrated with the natural environment. Each lodge is designed with large windows and verandas, allowing natural light to fill the space and providing guests with an immersive experience of the surrounding wilderness. Dining options include two exceptional restaurants, Le Felci and Casa Luigi Farmhouse, where traditional Tuscan cuisine is crafted with locally sourced ingredients. The Bistrot offers a relaxed atmosphere for light meals and cocktails, perfect for unwinding after a day of exploration. The spa further enhances the experience with treatments inspired by the four elements, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

Hospitality Activities 

  • Seventeen lodges designed for immersion in nature, offering activities like orienteering, wildlife tours, canoeing, SUP, and cheese-making. 

  • In 2023, Oasyhotel hosted 600 guests who had the opportunity to learn about the reserve and spend a few days immersed in nature. 

2. OCA: Oasy Contemporary Art and Architecture 

The OCA pillar focuses on integrating contemporary art and architecture in the Oasi Dynamo model. OCA (Oasy Contemporary Art) is a private en plein air collection along a 1.5 km route within the reserve, featuring site-specific works by renowned international artists and architects. The route includes an exhibition space that hosts art and photography exhibitions, creating a cultural experience that enriches the stay of guests. Notable installations include works by artists such as Davis Svensson, and architects like Kengo Kuma and Michele De Lucchi. 

Agricultural Tourism Italy Hotel | Nature Hotel | Landscape Hotel | Oasyhotel

Pascale Marthine Tayou: Love Letter, Oasy Contemporary Art and Architecture, June 30 - November 3, Installation view, San Marcello Piteglio, Italy © ADAGP, 2024 Courtesy of the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA Photographer’s Credit: Ela Bialkowska, OKNOstudio

Agricultural Tourism Italy Hotel | Nature Hotel | Landscape Hotel | Oasyhotel

Pascale Marthine Tayou: Love Letter, Oasy Contemporary Art and Architecture, June 30 - November 3, Installation view, San Marcello Piteglio, Italy © ADAGP, 2024 Courtesy of the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA Photographer’s Credit: Ela Bialkowska, OKNOstudio

Oasy Contemporary Art is a private en plein air collection along a 1.5 km route within the reserve, featuring site-specific works by renowned international artists and architects.

OCA Activities 

  • In 2023, OCA Oasy Contemporary Art, directed by Emanuele Montibeller, enriched the cultural experience of guests with high-altitude art installations. 

3. Educational and Research Activities 

Oasi Dynamo is committed to advancing scientific research and education to deepen the understanding of biodiversity and conservation practices. The reserve provides students and researchers with opportunities to explore and expand their environmental knowledge. Monthly censuses are conducted to monitor species populations, and internships and thesis opportunities are available for university students, with a focus on the conservation of species like the Apennine wolf and the lesser grey shrike. Educational activities for local schools and WWF summer camps are also key components of this pillar, ensuring that the next generation is actively engaged in and informed about conservation efforts.

Research Projects 

  • Wolf Conservation: Continuous monitoring through camera trapping and wolf howling techniques to study and confirm the presence and reproduction of wolves. 

  • Other Species: Research on wildcats, amphibians, micromammals, and bird species such as the lesser grey shrike and the black woodpecker to deepen understanding of these species and their habitats. 

The reserve provides students and researchers with opportunities to explore and expand their environmental knowledge. Monthly censuses are conducted to monitor species populations, and internships and thesis opportunities are available for university students, with a focus on the conservation of species like the Apennine wolf and the lesser grey shrike.

Conservation Activities 

  • Wildlife Monitoring and Management: Monitoring mesomammals, bats, amphibians, insects, and fish fauna. 

  • Research and Scientific Training: Activities for local schools and WWF summer camps, promoting environmental themes, and collaborating with Carabinieri Forestali for area control activities. 

Research projects developed with the new Management Plan by Dream 

  • Mammals (bats and mesomammals): Wolf monitoring project, part of a broader project promoted by the Tuscany Region and ISPRA. 

  • Insects and Amphibians: Investigating species of community interest like the yellow-bellied toad and Savi's salamander. 

  • Avifauna Monitoring: Ringing of the Lesser Grey Shrike and other species. 

  • Collaboration with CNR: Checklist of small mammal species and fish fauna analysis. 

    Collaboration with the University of Florence: Annual theses and internships (in 2023: 9 internships and 4 theses completed). 

Educational Activities 

  • Environmental Education: In 2023, 13 school classes participated in educational activities, hosting about 372 children. 

  • WWF Summer Camps: 6 summer camps with 117 children and 8 qualified staff. 

4. Agricultural Activities 

The agricultural pillar of Oasi Dynamo, centered around Podere Nappo and other farmsteads like Casa Luigi and Podere Abbondanza, is committed to sustainable farming practices. Oasi Dynamo oversees livestock, including horses and dairy cattle, and cultivates organic crops such as potatoes, raspberries, and various forage plants. These farming practices focus on maintaining soil health and respecting natural rhythms, contributing to the overall sustainability of the reserve. This agricultural pillar also supports the hotel’s culinary offerings by providing fresh, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring that agricultural activities are in harmony with the conservation goals of Oasi Dynamo.

Agricultural Activities 

  • Agro-silvo-pastoral Activities: Managing livestock and practicing low-impact agriculture. 

  • Maintenance and Protection: Protecting against soil erosion through maintenance of roads, rainwater management, retaining walls, and protection of river banks and Lake San Vito. 

Cultural and Environmental Stewardship 

Oasi Dynamo is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing traditional agricultural, livestock, and forestry practices within the reserve. In collaboration with WWF, we implement actions to achieve conservation goals, including protecting the area, preventing fire risks, vandalism, and poaching, and enhancing both the productive and tourist aspects of the reserve.

Oasi Dynamo is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing traditional agricultural, livestock, and forestry practices within the reserve. In collaboration with WWF, the reserve implements measures to achieve conservation goals, including protecting the area from fire risks, vandalism, and poaching. Efforts are also made to enhance both the productive and tourism aspects of the reserve. Sustainable agricultural practices prioritize soil health and respect for the natural rhythms of the animals, ensuring harmony with the environment.

"Oasi Dynamo exemplifies the care and commitment needed to foster the roots of integral culture and place." 

Environmental Initiatives 

Oasi Dynamo is actively involved in several initiatives to promote sustainability and environmental preservation: 

Sustainable Forest Management: Oasi Dynamo manages 1,000 hectares of Nature Reserve, including 900 hectares of forest certified for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The reserve's specific cutting plan is designed to optimize forest interventions and increase the CO2 absorption capacity of the forest. As a result of this sustainable management, organic waste from logging activities, primarily wood chips, is repurposed for heat generation within the Oasis.

The certification of sustainable forest management by FSC has enabled Oasi Dynamo to certify, following FSC procedures, the positive impacts achieved through the conservation of four of the five ecosystem services recognized by FSC. These include Water, Air, Biodiversity, and Recreational Services.

Ecosystem Services: The certification of sustainable forest management by FSC has enabled Oasi Dynamo to certify, following FSC procedures, the positive impacts achieved through the conservation of four of the five ecosystem services recognized by FSC. These include Water (conservation and maintenance of water quality through interventions on springs within the Oasis), Air (conservation of the carbon stock retained by the Oasis forests, amounting to approximately 230,000 tons of CO2 equivalent as of 2022), Biodiversity (preservation of the genetic diversity of flora and fauna within the Oasis, along with monitoring of two key species: the Wolf and the Lesser Grey Shrike), and Recreational Services (development and upkeep of infrastructure to support free and conscious enjoyment of the Oasis, as well as organized events such as forest bathing, excursions, summer camps, and other initiatives).

Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock + Water & Waste Management: The reserve practices sustainable agriculture by cultivating organic berries, cereals, and other crops, while also raising livestock, including cattle for dairy products, in a manner that respects their natural rhythms and ensures high welfare standards. Irrigation water is used sustainably, and all waste is carefully filtered and treated. The reserve's agricultural practices are certified organic, minimizing the use of harmful chemicals and reducing environmental impact.

Looking Ahead 

“As we look to the future, Oasyhotel continues to set ambitious goals for expanding our sustainable offerings and exploring new eco-friendly practices. The hotel’s commitment to excellence and innovation drives us to create experiences that not only delight our guests but also safeguard the natural beauty of Tuscany for generations to come.” 


Supporting conservation work of landscape hotels making a difference.

Room + Wild is the leading content platform for landscape hotels, ecotourism, nature-based destinations, and sustainable travel experiences. Our mission is to inspire, influence, and raise awareness about landscape architecture, environmental initiatives, and earth mindfulness. We prioritize the sustainability of past cultures, native biodiversity, and the unique topography of our collective, nurturing well-being through exploration and connection to the environment.

We work with over 400 landscape hotels around the globe that not only provide guests with an unforgettable experience in a natural setting but exceed all expectations and industry standards; lodgings that bring sustainability, wellness, design, and adventure to the forefront. Each of these unique retreats sets an example by supporting their native environments through a variety of initiatives, while giving guests a chance to make a difference.