R+W NATURALS: deborah szekely
The concept of wellness has evolved significantly over the years, yet its core principles have remained timeless: simplicity, mindfulness, and connection to nature. The best wellness practices, such as breathing exercises, meditation, and immersing oneself in the outdoors, have been cherished across cultures for centuries. These rituals remind us that true wellness is often found in returning to the basics, embracing practices that ground us in both body and mind.
Few embody the essence of vitality better than Deborah Szekely, often called the "godmother of wellness." Now 102 years old, Deborah has been a pioneer in the industry for over eight decades. In 1940, she and her husband, Edmond Szekely, co-founded Rancho La Puerta, a revolutionary health camp in Tecate, Mexico. With its focus on sustainable living, healthy eating, and connection to nature, Rancho La Puerta set the foundation for the modern wellness retreat.
Today, Deborah continues to inspire as a vibrant centenarian, actively involved in the operations of Rancho La Puerta. Her life’s work emphasizes the importance of nurturing the body and mind, a philosophy that has become even more relevant as longevity and well-being take center stage in today’s world.
“I believe in putting goodness out into the world, and I expect goodness in return. ”
Beyond her contributions to wellness, Deborah has led an extraordinary career, serving as the head of the Inter-American Foundation (IAF), a U.S. government agency dedicated to supporting community-led development in Latin America and the Caribbean. She has also founded several nonprofit organizations, including the Eureka Foundation, a mentorship program for executive directors of inner-city programs, and has served on prestigious boards like the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Her achievements have earned her international recognition, including Mexico’s highest award for non-Mexicans, “The Order of the Aztec Eagle.” Known for her fearless ideas, willingness to challenge norms, and her “can do” attitude, Deborah has continually proven that determination and innovation can overcome even the most daunting challenges. Her life is a testament to living with purpose, passion, and resilience.
“We have always believed in nature, simplicity, and goodness. Our values have not changed at all. We believe in goodness and taking care of the earth and each other. We believe in finding people who share those values, which is why we have had incredible staff. ”
In R+W Naturals, we connect with extraordinary people making waves in sustainability, art, design, architecture, gastronomy, wellness, and wildlife — from travel and hospitality industry icons to acclaimed architects, designers, influential artists, forward-thinking musicians, boundary-pushing chefs and visionary explorers. We spoke to Deborah about living simply, respecting the body's natural wisdom, and the significance of maintaining a positive mindset.
R+W: Your life philosophy emphasizes living simply and respecting the body's natural wisdom. How do you believe this message has remained relevant over the years? What habits or lifestyle changes have you seen make the biggest difference in promoting a long, healthy life?
DS: My life philosophy centers around optimism – I believe in goodness and doing what’s right. I believe in putting goodness out into the world, and I expect goodness in return. My lifestyle has remained the same for most of my life – ever since I was four years old and my mother became the vice president of the New York Vegetarian Society. As a child, I remember going from one health lecture to another, so that’s been my lifestyle since the beginning. That, and I’ve always been a Pollyanna, and I don’t intend to change.
“I’ve always been a great believer in the Blue Zones, even before we had a name for them. I think one of the longevity secrets is believing in goodness and not worrying.”
R+W: How has living all over the world shaped who you are? Do you believe there are any specific geographic locations or cultures that have longevity secrets we can learn from?
DS: I’ve always been a great believer in the Blue Zones, even before we had a name for them. I think one of the longevity secrets is believing in goodness and not worrying. When the Great Depression hit, my father became very depressed because of our financial hardship. Then, one day when I was eight years old, my mother came home and announced that our family was moving to Tahiti. Once there, all of our friends were French Polynesian, and we came to adopt their joyful philosophy of life that didn’t include worry. They were very positive, and I believe that has had a large influence on my own optimism and positivity. That same spirit was in the people of Tecate when I moved there to start Rancho La Puerta. The people of Tecate didn’t look for problems, they just jumped over them.
“In Tahiti, all of our friends were French Polynesian, and we came to adopt their joyful philosophy of life that didn’t include worry. They were very positive, and I believe that has had a large influence on my own optimism and positivity. ”
R+W: You've spoken about the significance of maintaining a positive mindset. Can you elaborate on how this perspective has shaped your life and work?
DS: Yes! To me, a positive mindset means expecting good fortune. Great good fortune is the essence of our lives. My husband was a prominent writer, a Hungarian with a Romanian passport. When his visa expired in the United States in 1940, we tried to get him a visa in the States, but we were unsuccessful. He was told he had to leave before June 1 or be returned to his country of origin, where his Jewish heritage was a death sentence. So Edmond traveled to Mexico City to try to obtain a visa there. When he called me to tell me he was unsuccessful, I said, okay, well, come to the border so we can talk. We were living in California at the time. Tijuana was too busy, Mexicali was too hot, but in between, there was a tiny town called Tecate – so I told him to meet me there so we could talk and decide what to do next. When I arrived, I found a town that was beautiful and quiet – no more than 300 residents. So you see, it was a great good fortune that we happened to meet there, in that little town. And Edmond rented a little cabin, and that’s how we ended up in Tecate and started Rancho La Puerta. I expect that when you live a good, giving life, you receive great good fortune in return. That is how I maintain a positive mindset.
“ I found a town that was beautiful and quiet – no more than 300 residents. So you see, it was a great good fortune that we happened to meet there, in that little town. And Edmond rented a little cabin, and that’s how we ended up in Tecate and started Rancho La Puerta. I expect that when you live a good, giving life, you receive great good fortune in return. That is how I maintain a positive mindset. ”
R+W: Can you describe your morning ritual and its importance in setting the tone for your day?
DS: First, I sleep well. I very, very, very rarely dream, so I wake up well-rested and eagerly awaiting the day to come. After I wake up, I spend a few moments in bed trying to remember if I have any great thoughts – sometimes, you wake up with really great thoughts, and you need time to nail them down before your mind forgets them. Then I think about what I need to do that day, what’s on my schedule, that sort of thing. It’s important to have a sense of order because it gives me time to plan my day well. Once I have my day figured out, I stretch while still in bed, and then I get up. I have whole grain cereals with oat milk and coffee for breakfast. I used to use cow’s milk, but over the years, you accept that some things need to change. Cow’s milk stopped agreeing with me, so I accepted that I needed to change.
“The name of the property has been the same since the mid-1800s. “La Puerta” means the door, and it was the property at the intersection of two mountains that lead to the ocean. I kept the name as a doorway to the future. ”
R+W: As a pioneer in the wellness industry, how have you seen Rancho La Puerta evolve since its inception, and what core values have remained unchanged? Please discuss the experience then and now. What has changed? What has stayed the same?
DS: We have always believed in nature, simplicity, and goodness. Our values have not changed at all. We believe in goodness and taking care of the earth and each other. We believe in finding people who share those values, which is why we have had incredible staff. Now, we have 4,000 acres, but in the beginning, we didn’t have that much. But little by little, our neighbors would come to us and ask us to buy their land so they could move to live with their families in California or elsewhere in Mexico. Now, the property is made up of 22 individual parcels of land. Even the name of the property has been the same since the mid-1800s. “La Puerta” means the door, and it was the property at the intersection of two mountains that lead to the ocean. I kept the name as a doorway to the future.
R+W: What role do lifelong learning, a sense of purpose, and curiosity play in maintaining vitality as we age?
DS: It means a great deal! As a child, my middle name was “why” – I was always asking why. I have been educated by answered whys. And it still is. I love to read.
I believe we all have a singular purpose of improving the lives of all the people we meet – for us at Rancho La Puerta, that means our guests, our staff, and the community of Tecate.
R+W: One of Rancho La Puerta's core pillars is community. How important is social connection for living a longer, more fulfilling life?
DS: Community is key to The Ranch. I bring this up every week when I lecture at there – I say to our guests, you have joined our community. So pick two or three people you’ve met here, and they are your friends for life. Social connections are essential; we cannot live alone, or else we lose a sense of balance. Friendships are an important part of my life now. I have about eight very good friends – people that you know you could call in the middle of the night for help, and they’d be in the car in the next few minutes. It has always been important to me to make sure that my friends are always smarter than me and better educated so that I can learn from them. I could not go to college, but all my friends did. So, I learned from my friends.
R+W: Many wellness practices today are returning to ancient medicine. Are there any ancient practices or traditions that you think are key to living longer?
DS: Simplicity, eating food that has been grown in good soil and, when possible, in season. Being considerate of your body is the key to living longer. I know it sounds simple, but it’s true!
“Simplicity, eating food that has been grown in good soil and, when possible, in season. Being considerate of your body is the key to living longer. I know it sounds simple, but it’s true! ”
R+W: Nature has been a constant in our lives for centuries. What role do you believe landscape plays in fostering personal well-being? You have witnessed over a century of change in society and culture through numerous trends and innovations (good and bad). How do you see the role of nature in today's wellness retreats compared to when you first started Rancho La Puerta 70+ years ago?
DS: Whenever possible, we should try to live at the edge of nature. To me, that means a combination of landscapes and trees as well as wild, untamed land. For one thing, we need the trees to purify the air and give us clean oxygen. But I also believe the trees are my brothers and sisters! I’ve always lived in a canyon, where there is a creek when it rains, and I’m surrounded by trees. It’s important to me to be near the edges of a city, to be closer to the wilder part of nature.
“Whenever possible, we should try to live at the edge of nature. To me, that means a combination of landscapes and trees as well as wild, untamed land. ”
R+W: What role does the natural landscape of Baja California play in shaping the Rancho La Puerta experience? Do you have any favorite spots on the property that embody the essence of 'Room and Wild'?
DS: The land was the center of culture for the Kumeyaay people. The Ranch is at the base of Mount Kuchumaa, a sacred mountain where they believe spirits dwell. The Ranch is nature – acres and acres of it. We also made sure to buy enough land to keep the city at a distance. We have some land that serves as a buffer zone to keep the natural experience centered for the guests. People always ask what my favorite place at The Ranch is, and I have several. My favorite spot is any place where I can look up at Mount Kuchumaa. I believe we’ve been blessed by the mountain and the spirits that dwell there.
“The land was the center of culture for the Kumeyaay people. The Ranch is at the base of Mount Kuchumaa, a sacred mountain where they believe spirits dwell. ”
R+W: Rancho La Puerta is deeply rooted in environmental consciousness. What innovations or practices have you implemented that you feel have had the greatest impact?
DS: In our part of the world, water is the most pressing environmental issue. My daughter, Sarah Livia, is a visionary. She has studied all fashions of maintaining sources of water as they become scarcer and scarcer. We do many things to conserve water, but the greatest innovation has been the water healing plant. We buy municipal wastewater from the city of Tecate (over half a million gallons every day), which invests in the local economy, and then put it through a cleaning process using passive, sustainable methods while releasing zero methane gas and generating energy and compost. The result is clean, safe water to irrigate the gardens and vineyards at Rancho La Puerta.
“We do many things to conserve water, but the greatest innovation has been the water healing plant. We buy municipal wastewater from the city of Tecate (over half a million gallons every day), which invests in the local economy, and then put it through a cleaning process using passive, sustainable methods while releasing zero methane gas and generating energy and compost. The result is clean, safe water to irrigate the gardens and vineyards at Rancho La Puerta. ”
R+W: You recently launched a tree-planting initiative for your 100th birthday. What inspired this project, and why is environmental sustainability so important to you?
DS: As my 100th birthday got closer, people started reaching out, wanting to give me money, but I wanted it to have a purpose. Trees are my brothers and sisters, so I decided to plant trees all over Tecate. I want to plant trees in the schoolyards, the churchyards, and everywhere. Environmental sustainability is second nature to me. It’s about legacy, and leaving a place better than how you found it. I think that’s all of our responsibility.
“As my 100th birthday got closer, people started reaching out, wanting to give me money, but I wanted it to have a purpose. Trees are my brothers and sisters, so I decided to plant trees all over Tecate. I want to plant trees in the schoolyards, the churchyards, and everywhere. Environmental sustainability is second nature to me. It’s about legacy, and leaving a place better than how you found it. I think that’s all of our responsibility. ”
R+W: How does spirituality influence the ability to live a longer, happier life?
DS: I’ve read a lot of Buddhist writing, like Thich Nhat Hanh. Spirituality gives me peace of mind, which in turn leads to a longer, happier life. I’ve created my own melange of spirituality of Buddism and Judaism.
R+W: What brings you joy these days? As someone who has lived such an inspiring and full life, what do you see as the ultimate purpose of it all? What advice would you give to someone looking to improve their chances of living the most beautiful life?
DS: My family! I have two wonderful grandsons that bring me great joy. One is a champion surfer who was born to be in the ocean. The other has just graduated from UCLA with high honors, and he is learning how to be a good businessman – to make money and do good. As for the purpose of life, you can have a purpose for your own life and help others find their purpose. The purpose of my life is to grow old and do it well. The purpose of life is what good you do with your life to preserve nature, help people, and be a positive presence in every way you can. What I would say to someone who wants to live a beautiful life: I’d say that good friends are the first key, do good and believe in goodness, and don’t waste your time on regret. I literally do not regret anything, and I live in a way that ensures I don’t regret.
“The purpose of life is what good you do with your life to preserve nature, help people, and be a positive presence in every way you can. What I would say to someone who wants to live a beautiful life: I’d say that good friends are the first key, do good and believe in goodness, and don’t waste your time on regret. ”
Room + Wild is the world's first and leading collective and platform for landscape-enhanced accommodation, ecotourism, nature-based destinations, and sustainable luxury travel experiences. We consistently inspire, influence, and spread awareness through our tailored travel guides, curated media content/channels, brand activations, press trips as well as visual and narrative storytelling.